Friday, July 18, 2008

Sweet Life

Hey there! It's me, Nibblet. Mommy told me I better get it together and post something soon because everyone is telling her that they need updates here on this thingy...sorry Mommy, this Blog. I'm doing really good lately! I've been spending my days sleeping and hanging out with Mommy and Daddy all night! They're funny, they act like I'm supposed to sleep during the night and stay up all day, you'd think they'd have learned the right way by now.

I had my first doctor's appointment last week and while I thought it was awful, Mommy and Grandma K, and Aunt T thought it was great. I try to tell them that I don't like it when my clothes are off, but they insist on taking them off me every single day sometimes more than once. I may tolerate a diaper change once or twice, but they are crazy with the clothes off stuff. I stayed with Grandma E and Grandpa for two days while Mommy did something she called 'Working' she was gone ALL DAY!!!!!! I don't like this work business that Mommy and Daddy have going on, I like visiting Grandma E and Grandpa, I like them a lot, but I missed Mommy and Daddy and my house so I slept while they were gone.

Aunt T comes to the house to watch me now, she's funny. She tells me stories and talks about all the things we'll do when I get bigger, I can't wait to go to this Disney World place. Aunt K and Grandma K came over last night and I was happy to see them so I stayed up longer than I should have. When they left Mommy and Daddy were sleepy, but I wanted to play with them. Daddy took me for a while and played with me and talked to me about going fishing, sounds like fun, Daddy says Mommy hates fishing so it will just be me and him when we go. I hope I don't hate fishing too!

Daddy tried to put me to bed when I closed my eyes for just a minute, but I was only resting them so Mommy took me and brought me back to the living room and brought some pillows and blankets with us. It was like we were camping or something, it was cool! I ended up falling asleep on Mommy's shoulder and when I woke up this morning I was still there! It was so nice to sleep with Mommy like that, I hope Daddy does that tonight. I'll have to remember what I did to get Mommy to take me camping so I can do it again.


Froster said...

A good first three days, Nibblet. Next week we're going to work on that whole clothing thing some more, and I'm going to bring a couple of books to start reading to you. (It's not that I don't love just talking to you about nothing at all, but it's time to jump-start those literary skills.)