Friday, August 29, 2008

What's a Gustav?

We were doing something calling 'evacuating from Gustav' I don't know what that is exactly but it was not a fun thing, which is weird because usually I am always having fun with Daddy and Mommy. We were in the car for a really long time, and they know I don't like riding in my car seat. I can't see anything but the back of the seat when I'm in it.

The good thing is that I did get to see my Grandma K, Aunt M, Aunt K, Aunt T, Cam, & Ariel every single day all day! Mommy and Daddy didn't go to that work place either so we spent all day together. I don't understand what a Gustav is and why we had to run from it, but I hope we don't have another one any time soon, I really hate that car ride! I did smile some though!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Been Busy

Sorry it's been so long since I posted. I've been busy checking things out around my house. I can see better now, so everything is interesting. I just noticed the other day that my swing has toys on it that spin around while music plays. I watch it and watch it until my eyes cross and Mommy says, "Uncross those eyes, kiddo."

My room is full of neat stuff, I have stuffed animals and books I can't wait to play with! Daddy and Grandma K always give me a stuffed animal to look at while they change my diaper. I know they are just trying to distract me, but I appreciate the thought so I play along. Daddy fished in a rodeo this past weekend, I don't know what that means, but he wasn't home most of the weekend so me and Mommy hung out together.

Last night Daddy and I watched football and the Olympics so it was nice to catch up with him. He told me about the fish he caught and the prizes that he won, something called an 'Ice Chest big enough for you to sleep in', Mommy didn't laugh but Daddy did. I gotta go, Mommy should be coming to get me in a little while and I want to look my best when she gets here.