Monday, February 16, 2009

Hi There!

I know it's been a long long time since you've heard from me, but man! This world is so exciting, who has time to stop and blog? Everyday is something new and exciting, and sometimes I just can't take it all in. I'm rolling over and trying to sit up by myself, but I just get too excited to stay sitting up and flop over. This makes Mommy and Daddy laugh so hard. I'm trying to get this crawling thing down, but it takes time.

I'm eating so many new foods, and though I still don't have any teeth, I'm hoping one day Daddy will give me something off of his plate for dinner, cuz their food smells like it's better than mine. There is thing that Mommy calls the Remote. I want it so bad! They never let me have it, they play with it all the time. I thought we were supposed to share?!

Mommy keeps talking about how one day I won't have to go to daycare anymore, because Grandma E will watch me. I wonder if that means I'll get to sleep later in the morning?